Take your skills to the next Level
If you book training with me you can be confident that your development as an artist is in the best possible hands.
I have trained students all over the world in groups of 1-30, alongside the BEST artists in the industry. I know how important it is to stay ahead of the game – our industry changes ALL THE TIME – your skills should too.
As well as my very popular Advanced 1-2-1 Training I offer training for artists who are just starting in PMU. My BLADE TO PERFECT BROW is a microblade to machine conversion course; UPGRADE COURSES in lips and liner are available for artists with a machine brow qualification.
All with just 2 students maximum, you get my full attention! With such small groups your training can go at the right pace for you, we concentrate only on where you need to grow your skills and confidence! PLUS ongoing support group to help support you moving forward.
Bespoke 1-2-1 Training: Perfect your technique

These days are COMPLETELY BESPOKE bespoke to you and can include up to 2 models; the usual format is a demo in the morning then you working on a model in the afternoon. This format works well if you want to really perfect a technique such as powder/ombre, work on any specific issues or work with new techniques.
The day is totally designed around what you really want to get out of it, you start early and finish when you finish!
My advanced 1-2-1 training is for qualified machine artists; if you are only recently trained or if you have had a little break from offering services you may need more than 1 day – ESPECIALLY FOR BROWS – over 2 days we can cover everything – mapping, skin types, pigment and needle choices, techniques etc.
If you are trained in brows but NOT Lips or Liner please see my LIP & LINER UPGRADE courses.
Blade to the Perfect Brow Machine Conversion

Although microblading is a good way to get your foot on the SPMU ladder it does have it’s limitations! I’m sure most of you bladers have already realised that many skin types are just not suited to microblading.
My BLADE TO THE PERFECT BROW ™ microblade to machine conversion course gives you everything you need to become a fully trained, qualified and insured machine brow artist.
Over the 2 days you will cover brow design and measuring, colour theory, pigment choice, colour correction, needle configurations and choices and ombre/powder styles.
As well as a demo model you will work on TWO hands on models.
All of your machine and kit is included. You leave with all of the knowledge and tools you need to start your machine brow journey and case studies!
As with all of my certified courses there will be no more than 3 technicians on any course, you really do get my full attention!
The Perfect Lip upgrade conversion

My fully certified UPGRADE COURSE in Lips are for artists who are already fully certified, trained and confident in machine brows.
The Perfect Lip™️ Is a 1 day course covering all theory, shape and design, pigment choice and correction, you will learn, blush/ombre lips to full lip colour.
We would always recommend leaving a few months after your brow conversion course before adding lips, it’s better to be comfortable using your machine and different needle configurations.
There will be no more than 2 technicians on each course and both include demo models and hands on models.
The Perfect Eye Upgrade

My fully certified UPGRADE COURSE in liner caters for artists who are already certified, trained and confident in machine brows.
Liner upgrade course is over 2 days covering all theory, eye anatomy.
You will learn basic lash enhancement to classic liner and shown how to build a liner with soft shading.
Winged latino liner and butterfly technique (full shaded liner with gradual blended dusting)are advanced liner techniques which require more experience.
Elaine offers advanced 1-2-1 days to cover more advanced techniques once you have mastered the basics .
We would always recommend leaving a few months after your brow conversion course before adding liner it’s better to be comfortable using your machine and different needle configurations.
There will be no more than 3 technicians on each course and will include 1 demo model and 2 hands on models on day 2.
Case studies will be required to be done in your own time.
Machine Fundamental

Machine Fundamental Beginners Training
Include full kit worth £1000 and everything you need to fulfill your 10 case studies, 2 of which are done in training with us.
Course Content
The course will offer several in depth modules. Before you enrol, we would like to offer students a shadowing experience whereby you can come to observe a treatment with Elaine and have the opportunity to ask any questions.
When you have decided that the course is for you, access will be given to our online learning platform with around 30hrs pre study so you will hit the ground running when your 3 practical days come around.
Our beginner course consists of 3 practical days we will be teaching you Classic Ombrè and Powder Brows. You will then go back to your clinics and complete 8 case studies and send us your before, after, healed and topped up work. We will then advise if you are ready for shadow/ assessment day or give more constructive feedback and recommendations. Once we are both happy with the standard of work you are producing, you will attend for 1 day to complete your assessment with us shadowing you performing a treatment.
Whats included in the course…..
Online learning modules with tests to complete before you arrive for the course
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Needle theory
- Colour theory
- Contraindications
- Anaesthetics
- How to start a PMU business
- Insurance, licensing, waste collection info
- Photography workshop
- Business and social media advice
- Access to our ongoing support programme via WhatsApp and Facebook
- Full kit and machine
- Explaining machines and a chance to try different handpieces
- 2 practical models
- Brow design
- 1 additional shadow day post course completion
- Salon hygiene
We want you to succeed
We will hold your hand throughout the whole process and be available to you when completing your case studies.
If you have a specific training requirement, please drop me a line. I can always create a course for your needs.

Online Training Academy
Perfect your skills, from the comfort of your own home. Our online courses are perfect for those looking to further develop their skills and practice. Pre-recorded, easy to follow videos guide you through my top tips.
Video tutorials include:
- The perfect lip, The perfect eye and The perfect brow Webinar
- The perfect heals and colour choice
- Design & mapping the perfect brow
- Beginner’s: Fundamental training in Eyebrow Micropigmentation
What our clients say
If you book training with me you can be confident that your development as an artist is in the best possible hands.
I have trained students all over the world in groups of 1-30! I have trained with the BEST artists in the industry and know how important it is to stay ahead of the game – our industry changes ALL THE TIME – your skills should too.
As well as my very popular Advanced 1-2-1 Training I offer training for artists who are just starting in PMU. My BLADE TO PERFECT BROW is a microblade to machine conversion course; UPGRADE COURSES in lips and liner are available for artists with a machine brow qualification.
All with just 3 students maximum, you get MY FULL ATTENTION! With such small groups your training can go at the right pace for you, we concentrate only on where you need to grow your skills and confidence! PLUS ongoing support group to help support you moving forward.