General Enquiries
Once we have found a suitable appointment date a NON-REFUNDABLE deposit of £50 is paid to secure your appointment. For treatments over 2 hours, a deposit of £100 will be taken. This deposit is deducted from the final price.
Consultation forms and pre-reads/after care are sent digitally when your booking is confirmed. Please do these asap and let us know if there are any problems; forms must be read thoroughly, completed and sent back to us before your consultation. You will also be given a pre read form with all information regarding do’s and dont’s before your procedure.
Yes, treatment appointments require a £50 deposit, this will be deducted from the total cost of your treatment on the day of your appointment. For treatments over 2 hours, a deposit of £100 will be taken.
You can, but they would need to wait in the waiting room.
To cancel, the best way will be to email us using your booking link, sent when your appointment was confirmed. You can also find this link on your appointment reminder email/text. In an emergency, if you are going to be late or need directions, you can call the salon – 01661 833638.
If you cancel or rearrange your appointment within 48 hours, your deposit will not be refunded. We do ask to give us as much notice as possible if you wish to rearrange your appointment. If an appointment is rearranged outside of the 48 hour cancellation window, we will transfer your £50/£100 deposit to your new appointment date.
There is a free carpark directly opposite the building. Our postcode is NE42 5DQ.
Full consultations are available for most services, which can be done in person or via video call, if required. Send us an enquiry email and we take a few details and arrange a chat with you.
Permanent Makeup
You should have filled out your forms prior to coming to your appointment. In these forms, you’ll find lots of information about what will happen during your appointment and what to do/not do before and after.
Once you arrive, we sit down and I draw the design in makeup so you get an idea of shape and form. I don’t use stencils, I work with your own natural bone structure. Everyone is different and one eyebrow/lip/liner shape does not suit all.
I take a photo of you and your design and work with the symmetry of your face making sure that when you are in a relaxed state your makeup is as even as possible. Everything is a bespoke design to you.
I use a Sterile micro-pigmentation handset/tool and disposable blades/needles during your procedure.
I use EU Regulated Permanent Makeup high quality pigments, specially manufactured for micropigmentation.
No treatments can be performed if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
You have to be off any Acne medication for at least 12 months.
If you suffer from coldsores you must ask your Doctor for a prescription of Aciclovir tablets prior to your appointment. If you are unable to get them, with enough notice, we may be able to arrange a private prescription (charges will apply).
If your lips are excessively dry or chapped we will not be able to carry out your treatment – please make sure you exfoliate and balm your lips for at least a week before your appointment.
You can’t have eyeliner if you have Glaucoma as the pressure of the procedure can be damaging.
Any use of lash enhancing serums must be stopped no less than 4 weeks before your liner appointment.
Lash extensions must be removed before any liner appointments.
If you are taking any medication that thins the blood, have an autoimmune disorder or medical condition it must be disclosed before booking, a doctors consent form may be required or in some cases treatment will not be possible.
If you already have semi permanent makeup on the area we MUST SEE PHOTOS before we can book you in. Unfortunately we can not guarantee that we will be able to work with existing PMU without removal.
No, not really. On a scale of 1-10, most clients report a discomfort of about a 3.
All procedures, other than microblading are pre-numbed.
At the beginning of your treatment you will feel a scratching feeling while I am doing my first pass and marking the shape and design. A numbing cream is then applied which is absorbed into the skin within a few seconds. Once the cream is absorbed very little feeling remains.
Depending on how well you look after your new semi permanent enhancement, your skin type and the amount of uv exposure, brows should last for between 12-24 months; lips and liner 18-24 months.
A colour boost will be required after this time, to keep them looking on point; this is priced accordingly.
1. Semipermanent makeup is healed in the skin, it is not makeup. It’s longevity will be affected by uv rays, medication, hormone treatments, skin type, skincare routine, use of harsh exfoliant products/creams.
You won’t need to apply makeup everyday to create a brow shape, but if your brow/ facial hair is really fair it may mask your new enhancement. Brow maintenance i.e. waxing and tinting is essential to keep your brows looking fresh.
3. Brows should not need colour boosting for at least 12 months!!
They will fade as the months go on as it is semipermanent, but usually they only need an HD brow or wax and tint to get WOW #browsonpoint again. I will not go back into your skin unnecessarily when this is all you really need.
It may be necessary to colour boost more frequently if your have veru oily skin or if no hair is present. If you have little/no brow hair your semipermanent makeup is more exposed to uv rays. Try and make it routine to use a sunblock through your brow especially in summer to protect your enhancement.
If you would like to maintain your brows with an HD PERFECT BROW treatment I offer a maintenance discount at Walnut Hair and Beauty with 15% off all your brow treatments. Walnut’s brow stylists are qualified HD Brow technicians and work with my brows all the time, they will keep your brows looking the best they possibly can be. Call 01661833638 to book your appointment.
Follow your aftercare that will be given to you. Keeping your brows/eyeliner dry for TWO WEEKS IS ESSENTIAL.
Always follow the advice given after your procedure. 50% of your results are my skill, 50% is your body and skin and how you look after them. One can not work without the other.
Important Note: Avoid Petroleum Jelly or Vaseline during your healing period. Anything with a Petroleum or Vaseline base can cause a reaction and cause crusting and scabbing. We expect to see a little flaking but not scabbing. Vaseline/Petroleum can also cause sweating as the skin is not able to breathe.
You will be given an aftercare sheet with guidance on how to care for your PMU during the initial healing period, this includes:
No sun beds
No sweating in the gym
No makeup on the area
No anti ageing creams on the brow area
Do not pick scabs if any appear
Do not itch the area or pull scabs away
Leave the area alone and let them heal totally for at least 10 days
n.b. Lip healing (VERY EASY) requires you to use the balm provided constantly until the flaking stops, usually 5-6 days
What can I do pre-appointment ?
* Discontinue any blood-thinning medications or supplements one week before treatment (with your doctor’s content.) These include aspirin and vitamin E as examples, and they increase the likelihood of bruising, avoid ibuprofen also.
* Avoid blood-thinning foods such as garlic – consider this a few days before treatment.
* Avoid blood-thinning drinks such as alcohol and green tea 1-2 days before injections.
What can I do post-appointment ?
* Avoid steam rooms or saunas/hot tubs.
* Avoid taking anti inflammatory drugs if needed antihistamine tablet can be taken to help with swelling.
* No sunbeds for 2 weeks post dermal filler treatment.
* Eat fresh pineapple, because it contains an enzyme called Bromelain which has natural anti-inflammatory properties.
* Use Arnica gel/cream on the affected area to heal faster.
* Avoid alcohol for 1-2 days after injections.
* Avoid vigorous exercise for 1-2 days after injections.
* Apply ice packs to the affected area to reduce the swelling and reduce bruising.
* Wait 24 hours after your appointment to applying make-up, to avoid any irritation. If you have to apply makeup use mineral based makeup.